Mni Wiconi = Water is Life

The water protectors at the Oceti Camp at Standing Rock (who have been there since April 2016) are currently surrounded by militarized police as they face an Army Corp of engineers issued evacuation order with a deadline of February 22nd. They are protecting TREATIED land, their way of life, human rights, and their right to clean water. After 2pm tomorrow they all face risks of arrest, police brutality, federal charges, and prison time.

"In the history of colonization, they've always given us two options: Give up our land or go to jail. Give up our rights or go to jail," one woman says in the video. "And now, give up our water or go to jail. We are not criminals."  

They need bodies there in support, but if you can't physically be there please support the Standing Rock legal defense funds.

Can't donate? Divest your money from a bank that directly funs the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Women's March made a great resource how.