
By Sonia A. Ortiz

Every month I pick a tarot deck out of my collection and pick 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for November  2017.          


This is an intense month for your sign. You getting the Lovers card talks about making a decision and sticking to it. You will find yourself at a crossroads and about certain relationships and what those people mean to you. Take the time to truly evaluate what you are about to decide. Having so many planets in your sign between October and NOvember has given you the tools you need to make the right choice.


You have reached the end of your rope or so it feels that way. Stay focused no matter what. You have good advice, help, and renewed sense of hope coming this month. You need something to believe in as you have not been your happy-go-lucky self. Things will pick up when you start noticing signs to take action. Accept help from others too. Things will settle down once the sun enters your sign later this month.  


A project is complete. A cycle has ended. Try not to get more out of anything you have exhausted. This month is about enjoyment and gratitude. It is a also a great idea to start looking ahead. What is your next goal? Who can you ask for help that is worth asking? Try not to rush into anything new. You need some relaxation this month perhaps a humble brag or two about your accomplishments.  


When you are right about something you are right about something. Nothing can change that. The King of Swords this month advises you to not fight your way out of an argument. Justice and truth are by your side. Chances are if you catch someone in a lie, you won’t have to do anything. Just get out the popcorn and watch the show unfold in front of you.


Have no regrets of your past actions. Looking back will not serve you in any way. You need to move forward and stay focused in your present moment. You may feel like it is you vs everyone else but it is not the case. You may just need some breathing room to get clear your mind and figure out what your next steps are. If anyone is trying to come up to you to rehash things from your past tell them thanks but no thanks unless you need the closure.


Time management will be a big theme for you this month. You create your own reality this month. It is fruitful for you to start making plans about what you are looking for. Creating a schedule and setting goals is your focus. You have a lot on your plate but may have trouble balancing it all. Perhaps it is time to get a calendar to help you sort through your tasks. Make a list of your priorities and see where you can start.


Listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. You will have a renewal from within. People may want to give you advice but at the end of the day you have the final say. You know what you want and you are on a path on how to get there. A meditation / yoga  practice can help you get in touch with your inner voice when it comes to decision making. Don’t second guess yourself!


Present moment awareness is key. Do not run away from your problems. November will prove to be an uncomfortable month for you but it is nothing you have not dealt with before. The key here is to just ride out the storm. Perhaps keep to yourself until this month blows over. People want to give you drama or make you the scapegoat of a bad situation but refuse to retaliate. Keep the peace and do not bring up the past or future. Deal with the now as you know it.      


Stay secure and close to what you know. Not a time to step out. You are almost ready to close the book on 2017 but you need to keep still for the rest of the year. It is also important to get a savings account. You want to invest in something that will pay off in the future. Financial planning is key this month considering you may want to make moves to do bigger and better things that aren’t in your regular line of work. Don’t rush into anything new just yet. Save up and do your research.  


A breakup could lead to making up. Abusive patterns with bad partners or friends reveal themselves to you in a very dramatic way. You have to evaluate fully that you do want peace, love, and happiness. Is your current circle of friends and significant other helping you achieve that? You may be faced with serious realizations and tough decisions.


Feeling inspired. Start something new. This is a great month to start vision boarding. You want to embark on a side project and it is time to perhaps get motivated by purchasing a domain name or designing a website. You are ready to create something new for the upcoming year it will just be a slow and steady pace. Just have a plan and do things that will inspire you to get there.     


Take risks. This is a great month to break the mold. Whatever is holding you back will hinder you. This month’s energy wants you to practice your bravery. Perhaps it is time to tell a special someone how you feel about them or to ask your boss for a raise. The time is now to call your inner power and ask for what you want. Do not be shy. You have earned it.      

November’s  #crushascope was conjured up using Santa Muerte Tarot, Illustrated by Fabio Listrani. You can see his artwork featured in the post as well.

About Sonia Ana Ortiz:

Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for 23 years. She is a Tarot Reader, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of #guapacat and #badgirlfrifri. You can follow her across social media @soniaotarot.